MathML Project

A Mozilla Project for
Math on the Web
1) History of the Project
1989-1990: Invention of the Web by researchers at CERN.
- March 1995: HTML 3.0 Draft Released ;
contains a <MATH> tag.
- January 1998: Announcement to open Netscape Source Code.
1) History of the Project
1989-1990: Invention of the Web by researchers at CERN.
- March 1995: HTML 3.0 Draft Released ;
contains a <MATH> tag.
- January 1998: Announcement to open Netscape Source Code.
- April 1998: MathML 1.0 Released.
- May 1999: Launch of the Project by Volunteer Contributors.
- February 2001: MathML 2.0 Released.
1) History of the Project
1989-1990: Invention of the Web by researchers at CERN.
- March 1995: HTML 3.0 Draft Released ;
contains a <MATH> tag.
- January 1998: Announcement to open Netscape Source Code.
- April 1998: MathML 1.0 Released.
- May 1999: Launch of the Project by Volunteer Contributors.
- February 2001: MathML 2.0 Released.
- June 2002: Mozilla 1.0 Released with MathML support.
- July 2003: Creation of the Mozilla Foundation.
- November 2004: Firefox 1.0 Released.
1) History of the Project
1989-1990: Invention of the Web by researchers at CERN.
- March 1995: HTML 3.0 Draft Released ;
contains a <MATH> tag.
- January 1998: Announcement to open Netscape Source Code.
- April 1998: MathML 1.0 Released.
- May 1999: Launch of the Project by Volunteer Contributors.
- February 2001: MathML 2.0 Released.
- June 2002: Mozilla 1.0 Released with MathML support.
- July 2003: Creation of the Mozilla Foundation.
- November 2004: Firefox 1.0 Released.
- ...
- October 2010: MathML 3.0 Released.
- June 2013: Launch of Mozilla Science Lab.
2) MathML is the markup
language used in HTML5
to write math...
MathML integrates
well in HTML
blah blah |
MathML |
blah |
MathML integrates
well in HTML
MathML |
MathML integrates
well in HTML
MathML |
This is actually an
SVG image...
...with a MathML
equation inside!
MathML can be styled
with CSS
mo { color: #faa; }
mfrac { text-shadow: #aaf 10px 12px 1px; }
MathML DOM can be
modified via JavaScript
mfrac.setAttribute('bevelled', ...);
MathML is compatible
with Unicode & Bidi
3) MathML is available
in any Gecko-based
MathML in Firefox
(MDN Wiki)
MathML in Firefox
(Jacques Distler's Blog)
MathML in Firefox
MathML in Firefox
(Connexions E-Course)
MathML in Firefox
(Firemath add-on)
MathML in Firefox
(EPUBReader add-on)
MathML in Thunderbird
MathML in InstantBird
MathML in BlueGriffon
Client-side conversion
<script src="ASCIIMathML.js" ...>
`a/b + c^2 = sqrt t - 4 v_0`
Client-side conversion
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
MMLorHTML: { prefer: { Firefox: "MML" } }
<script src="MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML.js"...>
\[ \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} e^{k \frac {2 i \pi}{n}} = 0 \]
Command line tools
<p style="color: #faa">$\sqrt{a^2-3c}$</p>
$ cat input.html | itex2MML > output.html
$ firefox output.html
Command line tools
Convert a random LaTeX paper into a Web page!
$ latexml --dest thesis.xml thesis.tex
$ latexmlpost --dest html/thesis.html --format=html5 \
--splitat=section thesis.xml
$ firefox thesis.html
WYSIWYG editor
Tools → Options → Advanced → Experimental Features
to enable the visual equation editor...
WYSIWYG editor
Export your document into XHTML+MathML...
WYSIWYG editor
... and view it in Firefox!
Handwriting Recognition
(MyScript Web Equation)
5) Work in Development
and Future Projects
MediaWiki Project
- MathJax mode for anonymous users on Wikipedia.
- Fast Server-side TeX-To-MathML Conversion.
- Math Search Engine.
MathJax Project
- Fall 2013: MathJax 2.3 with better font support.
- MathJax extension with Math Accessibility Enhancements.
- Improving Gecko and WebKit's MathML support.
Authoring tools
- Fall 2013: New release of LaTeXML, with EPUB export and
better support for LaTeX graphic packages
- January 2014: LibreOffice 4.2 with Improved MathML Export.
Mozilla Project
Wish to get involved? Here are some ideas:
- Complete Gecko's MathML support (bugs 534959 and 525772)
- Fix issues that prevent Gecko's Native MathML
from being the default in MathJax (bug 687809)
Mozilla Project
Wish to get involved? Here are some ideas:
- Complete Gecko's MathML support (bugs 534959 and 525772)
- Fix issues that prevent Gecko's Native MathML
from being the default in MathJax (bug 687809)
- Improve Font Installation (bugs 770005, 467729 and 648548)
- Add support for more Open Type Math fonts (bug 407059)
Mozilla Project
Wish to get involved? Here are some ideas:
- Complete Gecko's MathML support (bugs 534959 and 525772)
- Fix issues that prevent Gecko's Native MathML
from being the default in MathJax (bug 687809)
- Improve Font Installation (bugs 770005, 467729 and 648548)
- Add support for more Open Type Math fonts (bug 407059)
- Make the
aware of MathML (bug 78128)
- Implement MathML Clipboard Specification (bug 539506)
Mozilla Project
Wish to get involved? Here are some ideas:
- Complete Gecko's MathML support (bugs 534959 and 525772)
- Fix issues that prevent Gecko's Native MathML
from being the default in MathJax (bug 687809)
- Improve Font Installation (bugs 770005, 467729 and 648548)
- Add support for more Open Type Math fonts (bug 407059)
- Make the
aware of MathML (bug 78128)
- Implement MathML Clipboard Specification (bug 539506)
- Create an EPUB reader or other math tools
for FirefoxOS
- Make MathML accessible in Gecko (bug 916419).
Make the FireVox extension work with the latest version of Gecko?
This page contains
advanced MathML
features. Please use
a Gecko browser :-(